2016年3月30日 星期三

行銷案例+翻譯練習 | 普瑞來 (Purell)


How Purell Became the Brand That's Kept Our Flu-Obsessed Fears at Bay
-And to think, it was a flop at first (註1)

普瑞來(Purell) 如何成為化解我們對流感的恐懼

In the Steven Soderbergh movie Contagion, a cook in Macau who's handled bad meat shakes hands with a traveling businesswoman named Beth Emhoff (played by Gwyneth Paltrow), who flies home and touches off a global pandemic that sickens and kills millions.

Steven Soderburgh執導的電影全境擴散中,一名澳門的廚師處理完壞死的肉後和來澳門出差的商人Beth Emhoff握了手(Gwyneth Paltrow飾),Beth帶著病菌一起飛回家,一場全球流行病也就此引爆。

That movie scared a lot of people—including Matt Damon, who played Mitch Emhoff, Patient Zero's husband. "There's a lot of Purell on the set," Damon laughed (nervously) in a 2011 interview. "And then a lot of conversations about investing in Purell."

這部電影嚇壞了許多人,包括Matt Damon,他在這部電影中扮演第一名病人Beth的老公,Mitch Emhoff。2011年的訪談中他有點緊張地笑著說:「拍攝現場有很多普瑞來,然後很多人在討論普瑞來的發明。」

A fine investment that would be, too. Nearly 70 percent of mysophobic Americans use some brand of hand sanitizer (42 percent more than once a day). And when you reach into your pocketbook or desk drawer for that reassuring little pump bottle, chances are it's Purell.
(註2) (註3)


"People are more aware than ever of germs, and part of it is because we're all so busy and working so hard that nobody has time to get sick," said Amy Panos, deputy editor of Better Homes and Gardens, which recently selected Purell's sanitizing wipes as a best new product of 2016. "Using anti-bacterial gels and wipes is so easy, and Purell has become the generic term for the category. It's even become a verb. You can Purell your hands just like you can Google something."

「現在的人比以前更加意識到病菌的存在,而這部份原因是我們太過於忙碌,過於投入於工作,大家沒有時間生病」Amy Panos這麼說,她是Better Homes and Gardens的副主編,這本雜誌最近將普瑞來的抗菌濕紙巾評選為2016年最棒的新產品。「抗菌液跟抗菌紙巾很好用,普瑞來已經成為這個產業的代名詞。普瑞來還甚至可以拿來當動詞用,你可以說我普瑞來了我的手,就像你會說你Google了什麼東西。」

Indeed you can. "I Purell my entire body," Kristin Chenoweth revealed on NBC not long ago. Purell's been written into the scripts of Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory. President Obama reportedly used it after shaking hands—a practice President George W. Bush taught him. The U.S. Army incorporates Purell into basic training. And when the famously germphobic Howie Mandel decided to finally shake Jay Leno's hand, he did it with the help of Purell—a bowl filled with it.

你真的可以這樣用。「我普瑞來了我全身」不久前Kristin Chenoweth 在NBC的節目上這樣說過。普瑞來曾出現在Modern Family和The Big Bang Theory的劇本中,也有報導提到美國歐巴馬總統每次和人握完手後都會用普瑞來,這是一項布希總統教他的習慣。美國陸軍把使用普瑞來納為基本訓練。多虧一大堆的普瑞來,有細菌恐懼的Howie Mandel終於決定要握Jay Leno的手。

Purell's manufacturer, the family-owned GoJo Industries, enjoys revenue estimated at $286 million—which makes it all the more surprising that Purell was initially a flop.


In 1946, Goldie and Jerry Lippman invented an industrial cleanser—GoJo—that would remove grease from auto factory workers' hands. The company came up with Purell in 1989 as a hand sanitizer for restaurant workers, but the product lost money for its first decade because, it was believed, only washing with soap and water could kill germs. Then in 2002, a CDC study concluded that alcohol-based gels were just as effective as washing with soap. Purell sales have grown steadily—helped along by terrifying flu outbreaks—ever since.

1946年的時候,Goldie和Jerry Lippman發明了工業用洗手液"GoJo",它可以清除工廠員工手上的油汙。1989這間公司發明了普瑞來,一罐專門給餐廳員工的洗手液,但產品推出的前十年公司不斷虧錢,當時大家覺得只有用肥皂跟清水才能消除細菌。後來到了2002年,一份CDC發現含有酒精的凝膠的清潔力和肥皂加清水一樣好,加上數個流感爆發,普瑞來的銷量從此穩定攀升。

"People have known alcohol was a disinfectant for such a long time," said GoJo CEO Joe Kanfer, who explained that Purell is basically just ethyl alcohol mixed with moisturizers to keep skin from drying out. "This was a pretty simple concept," he added. "The challenge was opening eyes that something so simple could make a very big difference." 

GoJo的CEOJoe Kanfer解釋,普瑞來基本上就是酒精加上保濕成分,「大家一直都知道酒精的抗菌性,這是一個蠻簡單的概念。這其中的挑戰是如何打開大家的眼界,讓他們看到這麼簡單的東西也能為生活帶來很大改變。」


註1:根據Urban Dictionary,flop的意思是"Something that fails miserably"

